Friday, November 04, 2005

Oxymormom vs. Oxymormon vs. Oxymoron

OxymormoM- The unintended title of my page, due most likely, to the close proximity of the 'm' and 'n' keys on your standard QWERTY keyboard. I justify it by the fact that MOM exists in it and I pride myself on the use of 'your mom' series of jokes but had I realized my folly I would have probably gone for

OxymormoN- My clever, original, and ideal name for my blog. It was so clever, in fact, that I was only the second person on blogspot to think of it! It was already taken when I realized that my lack of effort in the elementary school "Typing Tutor" program had led to the deficient skills that cause my "m" error. Damn I knew I should have paid more attention to those magical white hands typing those silly sentences on my Apple IIG McIntosh in brillant CGA graphics. Though looking back on it- The Oregon Trail had way more relevant life skill applications.

Oxymoron: the root of my cleverness, evidentally only the latter part of the word has any significance to this post.

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