Friday, November 23, 2007

Mr. Brooks....Mr. Disgusting

So I saw this movie last night, Mr. Brooks. Wow. I had no idea what is was about or anything but I must say the dialogue was terrible and the violence was unbelievable, and this is me talking, Mr. I love horror movies. Worse though was the dialogue and Demi Moore's acting, and for awhile I was convinced this was unusual for Demi Moore because I thought she was a good actress, then I remembered she is married to Ashton Kucher....and that she was in Ghost, and Striptease and let's not forget the best of the worst "Nothing But Trouble" wow...she is a terrible actress!


McKelle said...

Well, now I know you have a blog, I'll add you. By the way, Morg and Matt loved Mr. Brooks. Oh, and Gwen does need to go to the dentist. I'm afraid something is wrong with her teeth.

tmildenhall said...

what's up was thanksgiving in denmark? non existant? cool pictures man, its looks sweet over there...are you going to see joey in colorado? when are you coming to the NC...

Spencer said...

The only thing worse than Demi Moores acting were her fake breasts. They distracted me from all the subtle plot nuances in Striptease. Stupid fake breasts.