Wednesday, October 10, 2007


So Danish people have this really complicated dice game they like to play, and well what can I say, it's their form of poker and is entirely confusing but pretty fun. If you lose you get sent to Viborg (a danish city) and if you lose twice you get sent to hell. So you'd think there would be a reason for picking a specific city right? Like Viborg is crap or industrial or something to be hated. Nope. Ask any Dane why and they really have no explanation whatsoever. Many things are like that...for example: the danish word for "for example." It is "for example." Why? No one knows. Why are the christmas gnomes little arsonists that burn down your home at christmas if not fed porridge in the attic? Who knows...Why do they have a halloween type holiday where a cat is placed in a barrel and then the barrel is smashed like a pinata? Well actually that one has a simple answer: evil spirits in the cat. But then why do you have a holiday where you build a bonfire, in the summer mind you, to roast an artificial witch while singing carols? No one seems to know....but THESE are the things that I came here to learn- I'll keep you posted. In the meantime here is another postcard for you:

Women are evil and/or deadly....

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